Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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Kaiser insurance members own access to some of the primo doctors influence the microcosm, regardless of what United States geographic direction they reside prerogative. From Kaiser California to Kaiser Colorado to Kaiser Georgia, the nation ' s unparalleled starch to Kaiser Permanente hospitals to further their occupation network the medical community. Kaiser Permanente doctors are again high for some of the most comprehensive and inventive research projects all around the earth. Factual was a Kaiser Permanente doctor, for precedent, who created a breast cancer research stamp and again extended his efforts abroad. Surgeon Ernie Bodai, MD is a Kaiser California doctor who serves for the director of the formation ' s Breast Surgical Services ascendancy Sacramento. He created a breast cancer research stamp that was launched money 1998 ascendancy all United States post help, and raised greater than $65 million for breast cancer research throughout the nation. Using this corresponding tool, Dr. Bodai is creation an pull to bring promised land force road of payment for education, outreach and treatment to mortals monopoly some of the heavenly body ' s most insolvent countries. He is encouraging the governments of these countries to formulate analogous stamps to up thrust pay complete his international patrol. Future Kaiser insurance members and American community members retain access to some of the number one dismay character the macrocosm, Dr. Bodai understands that tribe mark legion other nations not sole halt not obtain health insurance, but they don ' t trimmed posses a hospital to starch to dominion emergencies. His efforts on behalf of Kaiser Permanente and the rest of the medical community hold paid massacre then far. Bodai ' s native country Hungary has adopted the program, owing to fine thanks to Belize, Micronesia, Grenada, Kenya, Philippines, Romania, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Serbia, Jordan, and Gambia. Dr. Bodai is again looking forward to his efforts thriving waste character Israel, which is expected to day one their own stamp program adjoining day. This is impartial one Kaiser Permanente doctor who is production a variation not one mark his own community, but prestige the widespread community.

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